Tag Archives: dog shit and leaves

while walking home

29 Oct

i’d been there before, walked past the same spot for five or six years and it was always abandoned and beautiful, big boulders, tall grasses and all kinds of trash. it looked like dreams and then after all that time, all of sudden, a few months ago came the trucks, first the cement mixers and then the wood people. i wonder what’s going up, maybe a triplex or maybe a survival store to buy beer, lottery tickets, canned foods, candy bars, magazines, things like that. the constructions been going on for two months now and i’m always caught as to what to do…..observe the creation, look up and stare at progress or look down and make sure i don’t step in dog shit. this is dangerous dog shit season with all the leaves pasted wet on the cement floor we live on. funny how peacock tail color leaves get mixed up with dog shit. i guess that’s part of the deal, like this stubbed toe pain took me to the pharmacy where i started dancing in the pain killer section because i felt like it,  some strange dance the blues and gospel do together double helix strands and spin, barber shop poll twirling colors. soon we’ll be singing in the street. it’s only tuesday. i wish it was thursday, but we do it, don’t we? you, me and the rest of us. we all do our day, do what we have to do, raja the dog and the cats too. they live their lives. i miss adventures. maybe i’ll walk through notre dame des neiges cemetery and then up to the mountain. i love that cemetery, so many trees and the roads are labyrinth and this time of year with the not hot-not freezing air and all the leaves and colors. hopefully i’ll get some guts and hug a stranger.