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marijuana beer and love

1 May

come a little bit closer baby. let me smoke your personality, your unique ways…..your never heard before description about your day at work at the food court cleaning up the trash. I love you and I’ve been waiting all day for you in my unemployed happy state to be made even happier by your presence and now that you’re here I think i’ll kiss you on the lips and then go and smoke and drink some more.

that i belong with my shadow

16 Jan

and some pray all day
i wait till 4 pm and make my first drink
i guess we prayer together at 4.

everyone smells like a barn at some point during their lives

27 Sep

they shoot us these ethnic country culture definitions.
they inject them into us from hour one in the circumcision baptism birth certificate room and that arouses a lot of suspicion in me.
i treat a man where he’s at. he’s a country himself and so that makes about 8 billion countries or however many freaking people there are on this planet and screw international mercantile cooperation. give me the potato farm and a shack in the back to get drunk before more picking in the morning when some new guy will get off the bus and he’ll have his way of pissing and his drug of choice will be the songs he sings and we’ll get drunk and the bus comes everyday.
8 billion countries.

i remember this from a long time ago and I guess it was love

7 Jul

the instant heaven of hands touching

how to get a girl with just a cell phone and a dog

7 Oct

i’ve heard stories of fathers giving up horses so his son could get “the girl.” this was a long time ago, back when people got around on horses and dragged shit and stuff and what not around thanks to these same horses. i guess the horse was like the cow is in India, but i’m not sure because i’ve never been to india. come to think of it, I’ve never ridden a horse either. but it musta been pretty cool for the dad to be like, “yeh, no problem. we’ll offer the girl’s family one of our stallions and that oughta get you the girl. And maybe it was the other way around too? Girl wanted guy and dad was like heck, we’ll offer them Jones’s over there some of our ponies and that oughta get you the guy……but probably not because woman had little say back in the day unless it was a matriarchal society and i think some native american tribes were matriarchs.

anyway, no one rides horses anymore, but they do walk dogs and carry cell phones and thank god people still get all choked up over seeing someone and studying them for a couple of days, not stalking them, just checking them out and realizing that they are potential lovers, object of desires and what not.

if i had a cell phone and a dog, i bet i could get a girl. i’d bring my cell phone with me, stuff it in my back pocket like everyone seems to do these days and i’d walk my dog like everyone seems to have a dog these days….yeh, i’d bring both and i’d tie my dog to the trough outside of a bar or diner. i’d tie my good old bud of a dog up with plenty of leash so people could pass by and pet it and play with it and i’d be in the window watching it all go down, drinking some fancy coffee moca libertino chino or whatever and then i’d see this connection hatching between stranger and my dog and i’d walk outside and talk to this sudden potential object of desire about my dog and i’d have my cell phone with me too and it would bip or bling or tic toc or whatever cell phones do and it would be some ad from somewhere but this new object of desire wouldn’t know it was an ad and so i’d pretend it was a someone. i’d start talking about what was up later that night…..yeh, i’d lie and pretend that i was popular, that i had other objects of desire and this might (i’m sure it would) generate jealousy in my new potential object of desire and she’d tuck hair behind her ears and i’d know from my marketing guru that she was interested and so then me and this stranger would have a path…

maybe it was your dreadlocks?

19 Sep

i’m excited about paranoia: sorry to be so emotional up front. i know this is a job application so here it goes….to whom it may concern:
to you with the beautiful weeping willow hair:
dear old new friend:
remember when i sent you that job application song? that beautiful aluminum can dent song? reflecting cleavage song? and i sang my experiences in baritone and saxophone and yet, you didn’t call me in for an interview? well, it’s been three weeks and i wanted to explain my chalkboard thoughts application. I haven’t erased them yet. still on my refrigerator wall, magnet mirrors. I chose aluminum because we all use it. and i’m everyone. i’ll admit it. i like dr. pepper and lots of aluminum comes from here and here is everywhere and if it isn’t aluminum, it’s garlic skin, waterproof, and everywhere else, something else waterproof,….no need for colonizing with aluminum and everything else we see on our walks, me and the loving miracle. i met this lady. i met elisapie in a bus cabin. she was looking up through the bus cabin window sun roof at the clouds. she was dreamy and ancient, dancing for rain. i shoulda been focusing at her upward eyes, but instead, i noticed her ankles, her naked ankles and the ankle bracelet she had around her left or right ankle. i was all turned around by that time. i’m lying. i never met her, never saw her ankles, never saw her looking up. i never cared for your damn job, but my back hurts and i am the sin and the sun and the moon and the many longings and i refuse tomorrow. i’m good at data entry.
job seeker.

the fly

22 Jun

i had abandoned my whiskey glass for a few minutes, maybe a half hour, but i went back and there was a fruit fly stationed on the rim. it apparently liked the smell. i would have offered it a swim, but i drank up all the whisky in one gulp and forgot about tomorrow. i wonder where the fly went?

convincing echoes

10 Jun

i heard from chefs that your eyes were from arabs and jews and i read from the scholars that your eyes were from the phoenicians and hittites and the astronomers said they were from “endless others and a galaxy of dust particles too” and it sounded all so sadly black and white, and then in an instant, i knew no races mattered; i just liked your eyes.

thoughts of new biology

6 Jun

i forget where i was walking or maybe i was looking out the window or watching the news blues with wars, pandemics, extinction of languages and animal species, oil spills, climate change and you know the song…..i was wondering if there were, if there are new species being hatched, end of the world species like never seen before insects, maybe giant ones and wild plants that never stop dancing and animals that pause like horses or maybe when i turn on the news tomorrow they’ll announce that three kids walking to school stopped under a stop sign, the last stop sign before entering school grounds and they started singing and banging the stop sign and a cabby parked her car and started singing too or it was more like yelling, all of them, the kids and the cabby driver, all of them yelling and banging, but god damn, it sounded good like a morning blast, the old trumpets, the cow bell, to call everyone for the first supper.

for a second there i thought i was charles bukowski

8 May

my girlfriend and i were walking around and she got to pointing out this flower and that flower. she knew the names too. i looked behind us and there was another flower, one that had a nice piece of ass. now i’m at my computer writing this down and i think i’ll pour me a drink.