everyone smells like a barn at some point during their lives

27 Sep

they shoot us these ethnic country culture definitions.
they inject them into us from hour one in the circumcision baptism birth certificate room and that arouses a lot of suspicion in me.
i treat a man where he’s at. he’s a country himself and so that makes about 8 billion countries or however many freaking people there are on this planet and screw international mercantile cooperation. give me the potato farm and a shack in the back to get drunk before more picking in the morning when some new guy will get off the bus and he’ll have his way of pissing and his drug of choice will be the songs he sings and we’ll get drunk and the bus comes everyday.
8 billion countries.

3 Responses to “everyone smells like a barn at some point during their lives”

  1. Bob September 27, 2023 at 10:29 pm #

    That little plot of land and enough work to keep busy but not so much that it leaves you tired and exhausted at the end of the day, cause, like you say, you just want to get drunk a little and relax and the drug of choice will be the songs he sings. And I love the last line. Work has been crazy for me lately, and when it’s like this it, work, never seems to leave you alone, even when I sleep it seems to be there.

    • Steve Myers September 28, 2023 at 5:38 pm #

      I feel you Bob. I guess the end result of work interrupting our non-work hours is us reaching a limit and saying ah fuck it, who cares and start slacking and then they lay us off and we collect government money for 8 months or whatever and then find a new job that pays more and requires less responsibility or so I day dream.

      • Bob September 28, 2023 at 9:47 pm #

        Your day dream, my daydream, and probably plenty of people’s daydreams.

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